Due to deadly attacks coming from jihadists in both the Northern and Southern part of the country, hundreds of thousands of refugees flee to the South-West area of Burkina Faso. Several families had to flee the country and thus were not able to carry their belongings with them, as their lives were threatened. In most cases, they find shelter and are helped by locals or organizations.
Amongst those families, children are sometimes separated from their families and left on their own. Charities and organizations such as ASB aim to localize them in order to provide support for them.
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The map below illustrates the attacks from jihadists located in West Africa (2013-2022). As revealed by the map, the Eastern part of Burkina Faso is severely threatened, whereas Banfora is not targeted yet.
The Project
ASB’s project is split into two steps:
1-An operation is held in order to help the most destitute children (in June 2023). This operation will be financed by the donations and funds of the charity (ASB).
2-Secondly, a fundraising will take place on the Helloasso platform. These funds will be used to launch a new operation, this time to provide for the other relocated children.
The funds will then ensure that all children are able to attend school.
Rice Distribution in June
The most vulnerable children are considered as the priority in terms of assistance and help. The amount of vulnerable children mostly depends on the funds available to ASB. About 50 children have been chosen because they all attend school far from the city center (in Banfora).
A total of 1300€ has been sent to another organization, l’Association de l’Espoir, which already has experience with the conditions in Banfora. The charity is in charge of purchasing and distributing bags of rice of 22.5kg each (price per bag: 16 000 CFA franc; about 24€ without shipping fees).
Online Fundraising : use of the donations
This mainly ensures that the necessary funds are collected in order to purchase bags of rice for the other children. When taking into account the students coming from Kiribina (about 68 according to the list provided by the director of the school), students from secondary schools (around 20 since a school has not answered), the total would be around 90 students.
These lists are only predictions and the numbers can easily increase. For instance, during the first distribution, an increase of ten students has been recorded after the predictions.
The bags of rice cost 16 000 CFA franc each which is 24€. The boxes of pasta cost 8€ each. This means that around 3 000 € need to be spent on food supplies for the hundred relocated children.
The access to education must be provided for all relocated students (50 children who received a bag of rice in June and a hundred who have not received anything yet).
Therefore, other purchases are necessary for all the students going back to school in 2023. These include clothes, school supplies – including registration/tuition fees, etc…. The total lies between 19€ for a primary school student and up to 61€ for a secondary school student.
Online fundraising : summary of the predicted purchases
Bientôt traduit
Tableaux présentant les achats envisagés, ainsi que les coûts correspondants, extraits des dépenses faites en 2022-2023 pour les filleuls dans le cadre de son projet « Parrainage ».
Online Fundraising : How to Participate
If you want to donate to ASB in order to provide for these children, you can either:
1. Donate the money through Helloasso (in French)
2. Send the money to the following bank account (FI63 1432 3500 6210 73) and the money will be transferred to Helloasso manually. You will then received a receipt proving that your donation has been transferred to the fundraising (Helloasso). If you decide to send the money to the bank account, please write that the money goes for ASB in the message section of your money transfer.
If you need more information please contact us via asb17.contact@gmail.com. Please enter #### at the beginning of your email in order to not be considered a spam.
PS: Every donation counts, no matter its amount.
Number of relocated children per elementary school
Bilan par école des élèves déplacés de Banfora Ouest (copie du document fourni par l’administration de l’Education)
Il y a 68 enfants maintenant à Kiribina, d’après la mise à jour qui nous est parvenue récemment. Les derniers arrivants n’ont pu profiter de la première action d’aide d’urgence lancée au mois de juin. D’autres enfants réfugiés rejoindront sans doute la zone de Banfora Ouest pendant les vacances d’été 2023.
Pictures of the Relocated Children from the School of Kiribina
A few children gathered by the school principal after the close down of the classes in July 2023. These children belong to the group which will receive the packages for the beginning of their new school year. This will take place directly after the fundraising will have reached the necessary donations to pursue and finalize the project.
23 June 2023: distribution of rice bags to the relocated children
Pictures taken during the rice distrubution held by l’Association de l’Espoir, 23 June 2023. Volunteers (white shirts) and the president of l’Association de l’Espoir (green top) follow the relocated children and the villagers ensuring that the bags are transported safely.